Sunday 18 November 2012

Year 13: When experimenting with your ideas for 'Still life' make sure that you work from PRIMARY SOURCES (your own photographs & from life)...use a range of media (printmaking, paint, charcoal etc) and annotate your work explaining the connections to your chosen artists and the theme. Here are some examples from EC 2011.

Year 12: When experimenting with your own ideas make sure that you make strong links to your chosen artists and that you use PRIMARY SOURCES (such as your own photographs)....Here are some examples by Claudia.

Year 11: When planning your final piece make sure that you are sketching and documenting the process step by step. This work should be presented on A2 sheets in your portfolio. Have a look at these examples by Emily....

Year 10: When completing your artist copy and written analysis make sure that you include the TITLE, DATE, MEDIUM.....and use the help sheet as a guide when writing your thoughts and opinions about the work. Here is an example by Kira.